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This garden term of use(-ish)

First, Here's credit: Inspired by Digital Garden TOS by swyxio

This website is what you called a Digital garden. It's a collection of public note that I made. All notes here are made from my self-study. It will be incomplete and will be built upon as the time goes on. Content in note can be changed from minor changes to drastically changes.

I can be wrong and I will be stupid

Since this site aren't 'finalized' and I wrote based on what I learn as the time goes on, I might improve and gain more understanding on a certain thing or topic. Or my opinion on a certain thing has changed. It's very likely to grow with me as the time goes on.

Forever work in progress

As mentioned previously, everything can be changed. It will never be 'finalized'. This site also emphasis on last edited date more than published date.

Criticism not really necessary

It's not because I have high ego that think you're not as good as me, But I don't learn or don't even remember what other told me unless I learn it by myself. I will not learn if you told me what to do but I will if I research it while I'm also working at it myself. But if you reaaally want to, Then you better have reason and information to back it up. Criticism in itself it's good but not every criticism is good.

Attention and care required

Careful about what information in this garden you want to utilize. While I meant to share what I know and comfortable to share here in public but still… do your due diligence

For your safety

I have installed internal link preview which you can hover your mouse over a page and it will make a pop up preview for you. I will list a content warning (CW) in the header for any page that featured potentially upsetting, sensitive and other content that i feel like it needed.

I'm a nomad and so is my site.

I moved my site frequently and unfortunately some page will not be re-uploaded or successfully migrate to another site. But I will try to provide back up for them!

term_of_use.txt · Last modified: 2024/05/11 03:35 by xylja